Invited Speakers
Antoine Bossard
Kanagawa University, Japan
Antoine Bossard is
a Professor of the Graduate School of Science, Kanagawa
University in Japan. He received the BS and MS degrees from
Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, France in 2005 and 2007,
respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from Tokyo University of
Agriculture and Technology, Japan in 2011. Amongst others,
he is in charge of the computer architecture and functional
programming lectures for undergraduate students, and of a
graph theory lecture for master students. He also is
responsible for the functional and logic programming lecture
at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.
Regarding research activities, Antoine mostly focuses on the
following two subjects: interconnection networks (network
topologies, routing problems, fault tolerance) and
information representation and processing of Chinese
characters (e.g. fingerprinting). He is the author of
multiple papers in these fields, papers published in
international journals and conference proceedings. He has
also written several books, for instance for his students of
computer architecture and functional programming, and on
Chinese characters, with notably a commented translation of
the first part of the Dictionarium anamitico-latinum of
Jean-Louis Taberd.
Prof. Lukman Abdurrahman
Telkom University, Indonesia
Lukman Abdurrahman
is a lecturer as an associate professor at the Information
Systems Graduate and Undergraduate Study Program, School of
Industrial and Systems Engineering, Telkom University,
Bandung, Indonesia. He obtained a Bachelor of Engineering
Physics from Bandung Institute of Technology in 1988, a
Master of Information Systems from Claremont Graduate
University, Claremont, California, USA in 1999, and a Doctor
of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering and Informatics from
Bandung Institute of Technology in 2017. He held a Qualified
Internal Auditor (QIA) certificate from Jakarta-Indonesia
and a Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA) from
The Institute of Internal Auditors United States of America.
Also, he had worked for PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.
(Telkom) for more than 28 years. Right now, he has taught
Introduction to Information Systems; Law and Cyber Ethics;
Strategy and Professional Policy of Information Technology
(IT); Investation Management and Technique to Value
Information Technology; Professional Ethics, Regulation of
Information Technology and Intellectual Property. His
research interests are IT value engineering, IT governance,
IT risk assessment and management, IT audit and control-self
assessment, and IT general control.